The quarterly magazine Dao raostj get is one of the pillars of our association and is published 4 times a year.
The content is very diverse with contributions and information about the past and present of the five Kinroo church villages.
You will also find practical information on local history topics and announcements.
The intention is to publicise the contents of the magazines published.
The expenses of the previous and the current year can be consulted below.
If you are interested in one or another copy, you can always ask the local community if it is still available. To be on the safe side, and to get hold of all the issues, it is best to take out a subscription in advance.
Repertory Dao Raostj Get
Older editions
From the past
Every time a new “Dao raostj get” appears, you can read the articles from the “Dao raostj get” of 20 years ago here.